November 1, 2024: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS
Submission Period: November 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025 or until 75 submissions have been received.
Click HERE for a Word (.doc) version of Submission Guidelines (includes submission form)
Click HERE for a PDF version of Submission Guidelines (includes submission form)
Click HERE for a Word (.doc) version Submission Form only
Click HERE for a PDF version Submission Form only
Submission Tracker: 80 SUBMISSIONS. Submissions have now CLOSED as of December 5, 2024. Thank you for your interest.
NOTE: All submissions have been acknowledged as received. If you did not receive an acknowledgment, please CONTACT ME.
Acceptance/rejections will be emailed to all submitting authors within 60 days of submission close, however authors will be notified of rejection prior to that date if it is determined that a story isn’t a good fit. This will allow authors to resubmit elsewhere. Authors will also be notified if they make the “long list,” although a final decision cannot be made until the submission period closes and all stories have been read and evaluated.
The evaluation process takes time. It may take 45 days (or longer) from receipt of submission to learn if you’ve made the long list OR been rejected. I will attempt to offer a brief explanation for any rejection. It doesn’t make it any easier to swallow, but at least you’ll know why.
UPDATE December 13, 2024: All authors have received a rejection OR notice of making the long list. If you did not receive either, please CONTACT ME.
UPDATE: December 19, 2024: All long listed authors have received a rejection OR notice of making the short list. If you did not receive either, please CONTACT ME.
UPDATE: January 31, 2025: All authors have been notified of an acceptance or rejection. An author list will be posted once all contracts have been signed and returned. If you did not receive notification of acceptance or rejection, please CONTACT ME.
UPDATE: February 7, 2025: Congratulations to the authors selected for inclusion in Midnight Schemers & Daydream Believers: 21 Stories of Mystery & Suspense:
Pam Barnsley
Linda Bennett
Clark Boyd
C.W. Blackwell
Amanda Capper
Susan Daly
James Patrick Focarile
Rand Gaynor
Gina X. Grant
Julie Hastrup
Beth Irish
Charlie Kondek
Edward Lodi
Bethany Maines
Jim McDonald
donalee Moulton
Michael Penncavage
Judy Penz Sheluk (author/ editor)
KM Rockwood
Peggy Rothschild
Debra Bliss Saenger
Joseph S. Walker