February 1, 2025: The Derringer Award for Best Anthology 2025 finalists are:
- Devil’s Snare: Best New England Crime Stories 2024 edited by Susan Oleksiw, Ang Pompano, Leslie Wheeler
- Friend of the Devil: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of the Grateful Dead edited by Josh Pachter
- Larceny & Last Chances: 22 Stories of Mystery & Suspense edited by Judy Penz Sheluk
- Murder, Neat: A SleuthSayers Anthology edited by Michael Bracken and Barb Goffman
- New York State of Crime: Murder New York Style 6 edited by D.M. Barr and Joseph R.G. De Marco
- The 13th Letter edited by Donna CarrickVoting will be held from April 1, 2025, to April 29, 2025, at the same time as the voting for the other competitive Derringers. As with those categories, voting will be via a poll on the SMFS groups.io site, with each member who joined prior to January 1, 2025, allowed one vote.
November 15, 2023: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS
Click HERE for a PDF of Submission Guidelines
Click HERE for Submission Form
Submission Tracker: 80 / 80 received as of February 10 (CLOSED)
Release date: June 18, 2024
JANUARY 9 UPDATE: All submissions received have been acknowledged. If you submitted a story and did not receive an acknowledgement, something went wrong. Please use this form to CONTACT me. If you submitted a story in 2023, you should have received a notice of next steps (it’s a no OR made the long list). If you did not receive a notification, please use the CONTACT form. Stories submitted in 2024 have not yet been read. Submissions will remain open until February 15, 2024 OR 80 submissions, whatever comes first.
JANUARY 19 UPDATE: Stories submitted after January 1st have not yet been read. Any story submitted prior to January 19 will be read and assessed by the end of this month.
JANUARY 28 UPDATE: All stories submitted before January 19 have been read and evaluated. If you submitted PRIOR to January 19 and have not received an update on the status of your story, please follow up with me. Stories submitted January 19 and later have not yet been read but will be read in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience.
FEBRUARY 10 UPDATE: Submissions closed. If you’ve submitted a story, you should have received an acknowledgment by email. If you have not, please CONTACT me. If you submitted PRIOR to January 29 and have not received an update on the status of your story, please follow up with me. Stories submitted after January 28 have not yet been read but will be read in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience.
FEBRUARY 15 UPDATE: All stories have been read and assessed. Authors have been informed of status (rejection/long list). If you have not received your notification, please follow up with me.
MARCH 11 UPDATE: We’re still reviewing the stories. If you haven’t received a rejection email, it’s because your story is still in the running. We hope to have the final decisions made by March 17. Thank you for your patience during this process.
MARCH 13 UPDATE: All acceptance and rejection notices have been emailed. If you submitted a story but did not get a response, contact me so we can sort it out.
MARCH 20 UPDATE: Congratulations to the following authors, who will be included in Larceny & Last Chances: 22 Stories of Mystery & Suspense. Publication is tentatively scheduled for June 2024.
Christina Boufis
John Bukowski
Brenda Chapman
Susan Daly
Wil A. Emerson
Tracy Falenwolfe
Kate Fellowes
Molly Wills Fraser
Gina X. Grant
Karen Grose
Wendy Harrison
Julie Hastrup
Larry M. Keeton
Charlie Kondeck
Edward Lodi
Bethany Maines
Gregory Meece
Cate Moyle
Judy Penz Sheluk
KM Rockwood
Kevin R. Tipple
Robert Weibezahl