If you’ve read A Fool’s Journey, book 3 in my Marketville Mystery series, and you’re the type to read the Author’s Note at the end of the book, you’ll know that I referenced “John Doe of Regina.” If you didn’t read the book (and seriously, why haven’t you, it’s my favorite so far), here’s the excerpt:
While the character of Brandon Colbeck is a compilation of several missing persons, John Doe of Regina is based upon an actual case of an unidentified man. Despite this, A Fool’s Journey is a work of fiction. It is, however, my hope that this novel leads to a positive outcome for locating any missing person, as well as the identification of John Doe of Regina. Visit missingadults.ca and search for SK-UM-1995-07-00108 (John Doe, Regina) for additional information.
Here’s the thing. If you were the curious sort who would try to do that today, you’d get a “No Results” message, and that’s a good thing. Because after 26 years, John Doe of Regina has been identified (though at the time of this post, his identity has been withheld).
Still curious? Here’s a link to the story.