As the release date of The Best Laid Plans comes closer, I thought I’d share the opening lines from each story in the collection. Today I’m sharing the first seven:

From Frozen Daiquiris by KM Rockwood: Penelope Regenwold paused to take a deep breath before she pushed open the swinging door to the expansive kitchen in her recently purchased McMansion. If the builder offered an upgrade, her kitchen had it.

From Spirit River Dam by Susan Daly: Toronto, October 1964, “Lot 5, Spring Morning in Ste.- Rose by Anne Savage.” Imogen sat near the back of the audience as the auctioneer went into the details of the painting on offer. It was safe to tune him out, since Spirit River Dam was Lot 68. She avoided glancing at Bryan in the next seat. It was hard enough to maintain her equilibrium.

From Oubliette by Edward Lodi: The wind was picking up, turning the leaves on the trees along Marlborough Street belly up, like dead fish. Overhead the boughs of a gnarled maple swayed and creaked like cheap furniture.

From Gambling Against Fate by P.A. DeVoe: The rotund innkeeper acknowledged Judge Lu with a short bow. “Sir, we are honored to have you stay at our humble inn.” He looked toward a young man sweeping in the back of the room and called out, “Rong, what are you waiting for? Come and assist our guest.”

From The True Cost of Liberty by Chris Wheatley: Never in my life did I expect or desire to become embroiled in theft, murder, and the seedier side of humanity. I had always fancied myself a reasonably honest and straightforward person, but all that changed, in a matter of seconds no less, last Sunday afternoon.

From Deadly Dinner by LD Masterson: I didn’t take this job to kill anyone. Truth is, I’m not much into violence. Don’t even own a gun. I mostly just needed a job, and I’d done food prep before. A couple restaurants. Worked a school cafeteria once but I couldn’t deal with those damn kids. This was my first nursing home.

From Fire Drill by Lisa de Nikolits: Fly under the radar. That was my plan. Don’t lose your cool. That was my mantra. I told myself I could do it. I’d made it this far, hadn’t I?

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