The name Dru Ann Love is legendary in cozy mystery book circles. No, she doesn’t write cozies, but she reads and reviews them. Lots and lots of them. And somewhere along the way she became known as a Book Advocate to authors and readers alike. I first met Dru Ann at Bouchercon Raleigh 2015. It was my debut author year, and I was starstruck meeting so many of my favorite authors. But one of my fondest memories of Raleigh was meeting Dru Ann. I’ve since met her at other conferences, and she remains kind, decent, and incredibly supportive, as evidenced by her willingness to join this blog in a Behind the Scenes look at Dru’s Book Musings. Take it away, Dru Ann:

With Dru Ann Love at Bouchercon Raleigh 2015.

How did my blog become what it is today? Earlier on with my blog it was just a journal of the books I read. Short musings and I got a few visitors and I learned to keep readers coming back, you need new and fresh content at least five days a week. I figured I would lose readers when I went on vacation, so I decided to make my blog a “feature” blog. I started out with “A Day In the Life” and now have “Get To Know You” and most recently “A Word With An Author.”

To get enough content for my blog, I send out an invite to authors that align with my target genre, mainly cozy. I will include traditional, and a few non-cozy authors, most of whom I know or have met. I have 20-25 spots per month I reach out to 90% of the authors I’m interested in having on my blog and the other 10% comes from authors who reach out to me. With those authors that contact me, I do a little research because the core of my blog is “cozy mysteries” and I check to see if they meet my criteria. If it is a book I would read, then there is a chance I will send them an invite.

My main challenge is whenever I come across an author I would love to have on my blog, and they do not have an email address on their website or have no presence on Facebook. Some authors have online contact forms on their website, and I have found if I send out five requests using these forms, I only get back two responses. The same holds true to a lesser degree on an author’s Facebook page. So, authors if you choose to go via a contact form and on Facebook without an email address, please make sure you read your messages.

In terms of reviews, musings posted on my blog will always be positive. I never post negative comments about books I didn’t enjoy because my thought is just because I did not like the book, there is someone out there who will, and I don’t want that person to lose an opportunity to enjoy it. Sometimes I get offers to review a book and if it does not appeal to me, I will offer the author a guest post on my blog if it meets my criteria.

How do I find authors and their books? I scour Amazon, Stop, You’re Killing Me, Fantastic Fiction, The Cozy Mystery List Blog, Facebook, and other sites. I’m also involved in the crime fiction family by attending reader/fan conventions, participating on panels, giving talks to at writer’s chapter meetings, chatting on social media, helping to spread news about author’s work and appearances, and etc.

The things we do behind the scenes is hard work, but the output is worth it and that is what keeps me blogging. If you are interested in starting a blog, check out what other bloggers are doing and find a niche yet to be filled. The more unique your blog is, the better it serves your readers.

Dru Ann Love is the creator/founder of dru’s book musings where the “day in the life” and “get to know you” segments are prominently featured. Dru Ann is happy to be in “her element” within the mystery community. A 2017 Mystery Writers of America Raven Award recipient and an Anthony Award finalist in 2018 and 2015, Dru Ann is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America, and is a reporting monitor for the Sister in Crime National Monitoring Project. Dru Ann will be the Malice Domestic Fan Guest of Honor for 2021. Check out Dru’s book musings at