I’ll admit it. as hard as I tried, I could not dream up a cover concept for Midnight Schemers & Daydream Believers. Thankfully, my fabulous cover art designer, Hunter Martin, had no such difficulty.

“What about a crow?” he said. “After all, a group of crows is called a murder. That fits with a collection of mystery stories.”

A crow, I thought. Yes, that could work. Maybe. “We’ll need a shiny thing,” I said. “Crows love shiny things.”

“What about a key?” Hunter asked. “A key can represent unlocking a dream.”

I gave him the go-ahead. He went ahead. And the end result is better than I could have ever imagined. I hope you agree.


And now, here’s a bit about it: Desire or desperation, revenge or retribution—how far would you go to realize a dream? The twenty-two authors in this collection explore the possibilities, with predictably unpredictable results. Featuring stories by Pam Barnsley, Linda Bennett, Clark Boyd, C.W. Blackwell, Amanda Capper, Susan Daly, James Patrick Focarile, Rand Gaynor, Gina X. Grant, Julie Hastrup, Beth Irish, Charlie Kondek, Edward Lodi, Bethany Maines, Jim McDonald, donalee Moulton, Michael Penncavage, Judy Penz Sheluk, KM Rockwood, Peggy Rothschild, Debra Bliss Saenger, and Joseph S. Walker.

Release date: June 18, 2025.

Midnight Schemers & Daydream Believers is currently on e-book pre-order with special promotional pricing of just $2.99 USD/CAD for a limited time. [Regular pricing will be $5.99 USD/$6.99 CAD.] Find it at your favorite e-tailer with this handy dandy universal book link: www.books2read.com/midnight-schemers