I know folks who have “designer” Christmas trees. Others who have “themed” Christmas trees — every ornament has to be red, or blue, for example. I’m not one of those people. For me, the joy of decorating my tree comes from the many unique ornaments collected over the years. To quote Julie Andrews, here are a few of my favorite things. I’d love to hear and see yours!

My mom bought me this at the Norwood Christmas Fair the year I moved to Peterborough for a job. I was 23 years-old and moving from Toronto to a much smaller city was both terrifying and exhilarating. I loved living there.

Me & Mike: First Married Christmas together (1989).

Our friend Bern, who made these Ironman ornaments for Mike and his IM buddies. 2007/ 2008? Around there.

My friend Donna, long gone but never forgotten. She bought it on a whim because it reminded her of me (fuzzy hair!)

My new Soo friend Rosie gave this to me last year (2023).

A gift from me to me.
So sweet…wonderful memories.
I do a color theme tree now..easier in our apartment..but oh great memories of all the trees we had. I give the kids an ornament each year.
Wil, I do find the theme ones lovely.
I’m with you on the favourite things – my absolute favourites are two snowmen made by my kids 34+ years ago at Kindergarten. The snowmen are just made from cottonwool, toilet roll tubes and a lot of glue, but I love them so much, and remember the look of joy on my kids’ faces when they gave me the ‘gifts’ that first day.
Caron, that is PRICELESS and what I love is these are the things that remind us what is really important.