My first book launch at Sleuth of Baker Street, November 2014.

It’s been less than a month since Past & Present, the first book under the Superior Shores Press umbrella, was published. While I’m hard at work on a few different projects, beyond setting up my own imprint, it’s long been an ambition of mine to publish a multi-author anthology, and not only because I love short crime fiction (which I do), but because, when I can, I try to pay my good luck forward.

You see, having two short mystery stories accepted in two different anthologies (The Whole She-Bang 2; World Enough and Crime— both published Fall 2014) gave me, a previously unpublished author, validation. I went to the book launch at Sleuth of Baker Street, celebrated with other authors, and generally felt pretty darned special. That special feeling came flooding back to me when two of my short stories were accepted for the November 2016 publication of The Whole She-Bang 3.

All this brings us to The Best Laid Plans, a multi-author anthology of short mystery and suspense to be published by Superior Shores Press, with a planned release date of June 18, 2019, in trade paperback and digital formats (Kindle/Kobo/Nook/iTunes/GooglePlay).

Submissions are open until January 18, 2019; both published and unpublished authors are welcome to submit. You can find and download the complete Submission Guidelines and Submission Form here. There is NO entry fee.

Write on!