According to research by sociologist Everett Rogers in 1962, there are five adopter categories: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. Rogers identified key characteristics of each adopter category, and the concept of adopter categories is now widely used in present-day marketing. In his adopter categories, he acknowledges that not everyone possesses the same motivation to adopt new technologies.

  • Innovators adopt new technology or ideas simply because they are new. Innovators tend to take risks more readily and are the most venturesome.
  • Early Adopters tend to create opinions, which propel trends. They are not unlike innovators in how quickly they take on new technologies and ideas, but are more concerned about their reputation as being ahead of the curve.
  • Early and late majority make decisions based on utility and practical benefits over coolness. The late majority shares some traits with the early majority but is more cautious before committing, needing more hand-holding as they adopt.
  • Laggards are slow to adapt to new ideas or tech. They tend to adopt only when they are forced to or because everyone else has already.

Reading these definitions, I’d place myself in the early majority category, given that my decision to adopt tends to be based on practical benefits vs. coolness, and I’m not much on having my hand held. If I’m adopting, I’d rather be doing it without a babysitter.

That leads me to today’s announcement, though the paperwork was filed earlier this year, and considerable research done over the past several months.

Here goes: I’m going to become a hybrid author! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it means that I will continue to have some of my books traditionally published by Barking Rain Press, but I’m also taking the plunge into the world of self-publishing. To accomplish that objective, I’ve registered my own publishing imprint, Superior Shores Press, with the first book scheduled to be released Fall 2018. More details on that will follow when the time is right.

The handful of people I’ve shared this news with have asked whether I plan to accept submissions from other authors. While I have no immediate plans to do so, it’s something I’ll consider carefully once I’ve got a book or two of my own under the Superior Shores Press umbrella. Stay tuned for future updates, and wish me luck!